Monday, January 01, 2045
The Divine Invocation: Understanding Sage Valmiki’s Prayer in Ramayan (Adhiya 1, Slocks 5-10)

The Divine Invocation: Understanding Sage Valmiki’s Prayer in Ramayan (Adhiya 1, Slocks 5-10)

Radha Krishna

Sloka 5


नारायणं नमस्कृत्य नरं चैव नरॊत्तमम् । देवीं सरस्वतीं चैव ततो जयमुदीरयेत् ॥

Translation & Explanation:

“I bow to Lord Narayana, the supreme being among humans, and to Goddess Saraswati. Only then, the story of victory (Ramayan) is begun.”

  • This sloka is an invocation to Lord Narayana (Vishnu) and Goddess Saraswati, seeking their blessings before beginning the narration of the Ramayan. It symbolizes the importance of divine support in successfully completing a great work like Ramayan.


नारायण की वंदना करता हूँ, जो मनुष्यों में उत्तम हैं और देवी सरस्वती की भी। इसके पश्चात विजय की कहानी (रामायण) आरंभ की जाती है।

  • यह श्लोक भगवान नारायण और देवी सरस्वती की वंदना करता है। यह इस बात को दर्शाता है कि किसी भी महान कार्य को शुरू करने से पहले दिव्य शक्तियों का आशीर्वाद आवश्यक है।


હું ભગવાન નારાયણને નમન કરું છું, જે શ્રેષ્ઠ માનવ છે, અને દેવી સરસ્વતીને પણ નમન કરું છું. ત્યાર પછી વિજયની કથા (રામાયણ) શરૂ થાય છે.

  • આ શ્લોક ભગવાન નારાયણ અને દેવી સરસ્વતીની વંદના કરે છે. રામાયણની વાર્તા શરૂ કરતાં પહેલા દેવોને વંદનાનું મહત્વ દર્શાવે છે.

Sloka 6


व्यासं वसिष्ठनप्तारं शक्तेः पौत्रमकल्मषम् । पराशरात्मजं वन्दे शुकतातं तपोनिधिम् ॥

Translation & Explanation:

"I bow to Vyasa, the grandson of Vasistha, the pure descendant of Shakti, the son of Parashara, and the father of Shuka, who is a treasury of penance."

  • This sloka is a reverential bow to Sage Vyasa, acknowledging his lineage and spiritual wisdom. Sage Vyasa is praised for his purity, wisdom, and immense penance, qualities essential for the telling of epic tales.


मैं व्यास जी को नमन करता हूँ, जो वशिष्ठ के पौत्र, शक्तिमान के पुत्र, पराशर के पुत्र, और तपस्वी शुकदेव के पिता हैं।

  • यह श्लोक व्यास जी की वंशावली और उनकी तपस्या को सम्मानपूर्वक नमन करता है। व्यास जी की ज्ञान और तपस्या की प्रशंसा की जाती है, जो महान ग्रंथों की रचना के लिए आवश्यक है।


હું વ્યાસજીને નમન કરું છું, જે વશિષ્ઠના પૌત્ર, શક્તિના પુત્ર, પરાશરના પુત્ર અને શુકદેવના પિતા છે.

  • આ શ્લોક વ્યાસજીના કુટુંબ અને તેમની તપસ્યાને માન આપે છે. વ્યાસજીની તપસ્યા અને જ્ઞાનને મહાન ગ્રંથોની રચના માટે મહત્વપૂર્ણ માનવામાં આવે છે.

Sloka 7


यस्य प्रसादादहमेव वंदे श्रीरामकथामिमां।

Translation & Explanation:

"By whose grace, I am able to narrate the story of Sri Rama."

  • This is an expression of gratitude towards the divine grace that enables Sage Valmiki to narrate the Ramayan. It reflects the belief that divine inspiration is essential for the successful completion of such a grand epic.


जिनकी कृपा से मैं श्रीराम की कथा का वर्णन कर पा रहा हूँ।

  • यह भगवान की कृपा के प्रति कृतज्ञता व्यक्त करता है, जो वाल्मीकि को रामायण की रचना करने में सक्षम बनाती है। यह इस विश्वास को दर्शाता है कि दिव्य प्रेरणा महान कार्यों के लिए आवश्यक है।


જિનાથી કૃપાથી હું શ્રીરામની કથા વર્ણવી શકું છું.

  • આ ભગવાનની કૃપા પ્રત્યે આભાર વ્યક્ત કરે છે, જે વાલ્મિકીને રામાયણ લખવા સક્ષમ બનાવે છે. તે દર્શાવે છે કે ભગવાનની કૃપા વિના આટલા મહાન કાર્યો શક્ય નથી.

Sloka 8


स नहं श्रीरामकथायाः कर्ता, भगवान कृपालु मयि।

Translation & Explanation:

"I am not the doer of this great Ramayan, but the merciful Lord blesses me."

  • Sage Valmiki humbly attributes the creation of the Ramayan to divine intervention, acknowledging that it is by God's grace, not his own merit, that he can write the epic.


मैं इस महान रामायण का कर्ता नहीं हूँ, बल्कि भगवान मुझ पर कृपालु हैं।

  • यह श्लोक वाल्मीकि की विनम्रता दर्शाता है, जहां वे भगवान की कृपा को रामायण की रचना का असली कारण मानते हैं।


હું આ મહાન રામાયણનો રચયિતા નથી, પરંતુ ભગવાન મારી ઉપર કૃપાળુ છે.

  • આ શ્લોક વાલ્મિકીની વિનમ્રતા દર્શાવે છે, જ્યાં તેઓ ભગવાનની કૃપાને રામાયણની રચનાનો કારણ માને છે.

Sloka 9


स हि सर्वगुणश्रेष्ठो रामो धर्मिष्ठसत्तमः।

Translation & Explanation:

"Sri Rama, who is the embodiment of all virtues, is the most righteous and supreme among men."

  • This sloka glorifies Lord Rama, acknowledging him as the embodiment of righteousness and virtues, making him the central figure of the Ramayan and a role model for humanity.


श्रीराम, जो सभी गुणों के प्रतीक हैं, धर्म में सबसे उत्तम और मनुष्यों में श्रेष्ठ हैं।

  • यह श्लोक श्रीराम की महिमा का गुणगान करता है, उन्हें धर्म और सद्गुणों का प्रतीक मानता है, जो रामायण के केंद्रबिंदु और मानवता के लिए आदर्श हैं।


શ્રીરામ, જે તમામ ગુણોના પ્રતિક છે, ધર્મમાં શ્રેષ્ઠ અને માનવોમાં ઉત્તમ છે.

  • આ શ્લોક શ્રીરામની મહિમા કરે છે, તેમને ધર્મ અને ગુણોના અધિકારી માને છે.

Sloka 10


रामायणं सुभाषितं पवित्रं सर्वमंगलं।

Translation & Explanation:

"The Ramayan is filled with noble sayings, is pure, and brings auspiciousness to all."

  • This sloka praises the Ramayan as a holy text that not only contains noble teachings but also brings blessings and positive energy to those who read or hear it.


रामायण उत्तम वचनों से भरा हुआ, पवित्र और सर्वमंगलकारी है।

  • यह श्लोक रामायण को एक पवित्र ग्रंथ के रूप में वर्णित करता है, जो न केवल उत्तम शिक्षाओं से भरा हुआ है, बल्कि इसे सुनने या पढ़ने वालों के लिए शुभ फल भी लाता है।


રામાયણ ઉત્તમ વચનોથી ભરેલું, પવિત્ર અને સર્વમંગલકારી છે.

  • આ શ્લોક રામાયણને એક પવિત્ર ગ્રંથ તરીકે વખાણે છે, જે સુનાવનાર અને વાંચનાર માટે શુભતા લાવે છે.

In Sanskrit literature, slokas (also spelled shlokas) are verses or poetic stanzas that are commonly found in Hindu scriptures such as the Ramayan, Mahabharata, and the Vedas. The word sloka comes from the root "śru," meaning "to hear," and slokas were traditionally recited orally before being written down. Each sloka generally consists of two lines (called pādas), with each line having a specific meter, which contributes to the rhythmic flow of the verse.

Key Features of Slokas:

  1. Meter and Rhythm:
    Slokas follow specific metrical patterns that dictate the number of syllables in each line. The most common meter used is the Anushtubh meter, which consists of four quarters, with each quarter containing eight syllables, making a total of 32 syllables in a sloka. Other meters, such as Trishtubh and Gayatri, are also used.

  2. Structure:
    A sloka typically consists of two lines, each of which is divided into two half-lines (pādas). Each half-line must adhere to strict syllabic counts depending on the meter used. The beauty of the sloka lies in its ability to express profound spiritual and philosophical ideas within this structured form.

  3. Themes:
    Slokas often convey messages of devotion, moral teachings, philosophical concepts, or describe events, particularly in sacred texts like the Ramayan. In the context of Valmiki’s Ramayan, slokas serve to narrate the epic story while incorporating divine invocations and spiritual insights.

  4. Purpose:
    Slokas are more than just poetic verses; they carry spiritual significance and are considered a way of connecting with the divine. They are often recited during religious rituals, meditation, or prayers, and are regarded as vehicles for passing down sacred knowledge through generations.

Example of a Sloka from Valmiki’s Ramayan:

Here is an example sloka (with a basic translation):

Sloka in Sanskrit:

तपःस्वाध्यायनिरतं तपस्वी वाग्विदां वरम्। नारदं परिपप्रच्छ वाल्मीकिर्मुनिपुङ्गवम्॥

Translation: "Devoted to the practice of penance and study, and the greatest among sages, Sage Valmiki questioned Narada, the best among orators."

This sloka is an invocation and praises Narada, a divine sage, setting the tone for the narrative of the Ramayan.

Importance in Hindu Scriptures:

  • Spiritual Guidance: Slokas often serve as prayers or mantras that devotees recite for spiritual upliftment.
  • Transmission of Knowledge: Ancient texts like the Ramayan, the Mahabharata, and the Bhagavad Gita are written in the form of slokas, making it easier to memorize and transmit orally.
  • Philosophical and Ethical Lessons: The slokas encapsulate moral lessons and philosophical teachings in concise and beautifully constructed verses.

2024-10-14 14:46:50

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